Realising that school days has started all over again i'm still in my dream land until then when i fought with my dad in which my mum had to be our mediate!All the WaNg baNg and crashing to vanish..... though trying to blend in to the new term seems a bit a task but i gotta be harsh*smiles*
OK OK i've finally woken up with my four days of "extended holiday" i'm going to chong back to school and life up to my dream i'll not be a time waster as time=life therefore wasting time=wasting life!!!!
My goals are very straightfoward crunching and crushing any suspendable barriers that is hindering my path , scoring 4 sustainable A"S for my sA2, get my drumming degree it cannot just happen at the twinkle of an eye or the shift of a chair, it takes whole lot of hard work to get there i'm determine it will come true it's work hard now therefore if you never sow now never will you reap the harvest!!!
Loving my new look having to poise a new dreaded fringe falling of the left hand side of my face*winks* i'm so having not enough of my life!!!! I WANNA BE A ACHIEVER 110 % SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!
Full blown sickness for the past two days due to playing soccer in mist of a sore throat damm it!!!
Though i went to school yesterday i went home after my school break due to a fever!!
THe cabby driver was so scared he thought it was BIrdie flu muahaha!!!
I'm like so going crazy with this crazy fever upholding my body i'm just going mad!
I scored a goal during my last match i broke that scoring duck at last*weeeeeeeee*
I wanna keep on scoring like that yeah *smiles*
(the fever crisis)

i predict that argentina or rather brazil will win this year's world cup though it may all be my six sense that is doing the talking but i rather be knowing that either this two teams would win the cup rather than supporting all the teams hahas!!!

Yes guys it's a real fever not a soccer fever hahas!!!
Hey chicks n dude out there sorry i couldn't add a blog for the past few days as had been busy with stuffies*weeeeeeew*
I believe school is re-opening tommorow tha would be so cool yeah*yipeee smiles*
I love school and my helper is so pissing me of singing "it's raINING MEN" when later i got a soccer match and i can't afford it to rain damm it*pulls hair*
By the way why does a month pass so fast? times runs so fast and can never be retrieve back(i wish there was time machines*he he he*
btw here's some pics to make things hot up here!!!!
(WHO is king here!!!!i'm king lu lu the person behind is my shemale body guard!!)

(shawn last days of long hair now he's a short hair freak!!!!)

( eat black poo poo????and teh teh????)

(island creamery escorts!!!)

(i stuff my shoe up his nose!!!!)

i think i'm going to be sick cause i have a sore throat and i'm playing soccer today i hope i break my scoring duck today weeeeeeeeeee*
Hey guys today was pretty cool though i had to study for 3 hours in which that feat was completed!!!*smiles smiles*@###
I studied physics today *weeee* some day i'll be a scientist*winks* some day some day!!!!
After studying i drew a cool GUEvera pic so that i could update my portfolio it ended up pretty nice though the colour was weee bit of light by who cares as long as it is nice it's fine right?RIGHT!!!
YEAh so guys this are the pics that could brighten up your day*WEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAA*
(physical quantities and units hahas!!!)

(the first and worst page of my notes!!!!)

(second page)

(the final page at last*SWeating)

many peeps will ask me!!!there are so little notes and it lasted for 3 hours thats ridiculous but its true hahas!!!!I'm mad*WEEEEEEEE*!!!!!
some works From my portfolio!!!!
(THats my name in grafitti form!!!)

(lion roar RAWRRRRRRRR)

(hey mickey you so fat you so fat you blow my mind hey mickey)though it suppose to be yoou so fast whatever!!!!

(guevera woots woots*)

this is just so crazy yeah!!!!hope you like my pics though!!!ERmmsss no you gotta like it hahas k k i gotta go now!!!ciao!*HOLa*

I'm on a v v v v vacation.....or should it be run away vacation*weeeeeee*!!!!!!!
Yesterday went to watch RV with bro kai fei,ju ju,xue xue,gene,chetty,marky,gene and theodore the show was pretty cool yeah!!!!
after the show we all went to meet Issac at meridian as Marky said he was playing pool with a girl there so decided to check it out!!!
Issac can play well so do Marky!!
after that pooli pooli pool we went to play lan!!!
While Marky and Issac played delta, gene,theodore,chetty and I played counter i sucked it up when chetty came in dang!!!!*pulls hair*
Lan was ok!!!!! after gene,theodore,chetty and I went to eat at the meridien food court yum yum i think i ate the plate too!!*winks*
Here's some pics to spice things up!ps:i almost lost my precious mp4 to and went in a frantic craze!!
(WAs at the verge of breaking the keyboard!!)

(gene was so PRO)

(We rock the terrorist!!!!Bang BaNG)

(TOM yum ganza)

( at last i found it *sweating*)

I going MOO MOO!!!!
yesterday was parents day in my church... i had to go to churchy to give presents to pARENTS at 4pm it was so lame!!!That MOO's were ridiculous i just didn't give a damm!!!
After giving the peeps the presents i went to macs with the gang for dinner!!!!
I went crazy and did wild stuffs!!! Found out that oisihi pizza has just open at serene centre*weee*
Today was way cool too with my parents aniversary!#$ what a spendid weekend i would say*
I'm eating my yummy chicken biskit hehes*smiles*
Here's some pics yeAH!!


( LOving couples@@@)


(MOO MOO's and my chicky biscuit!!)

Thats all the MOO's for today yeah see ya gtg ciao*HOLa*
I'm going CoCkY!!!!!!weeeeeeeeee!!!###
I woke up pretty late today at around 4 plus*smiles*though there was nothing much about this day,food was in my way!!
J ust ate CRABBY and cockles n durian for dinner weeeeeee!!! ThE cockles and durians were good but the crabbies were average but with Wine toppings it works wonders!!!
I just love the way my helper cooks, way to go ATE TEs!!!
Ps:I think my dad wanna express to our guest, brother ryan that we are a cocky family!
PEEPS view this photies and drown in the wonders of it!!I'm becoming fat*jumps in air*
(CraBBies n wine just makes perfect class*smooches*)

(wait and see my drunken crab dance*smiles*)

( THe mighty king durian##@)

(I would call this the "see ham"/cockles part

(SIS:i'm becoming so petrified!!!)

(This is what happens when i said that is not all!!)

(The thunderous cockerers/bro ryan+mua)

(The killer cockles ps:they are as big as my last finger!!)

I really think i'm going cocky haha!!!!NEWS 4 the day Argentina 6 - o costa rica *wow that was great*
## tHe DrROOLiNg sEnSaTIoN##
WEEEEEEE I sCOreD like 7-8 goals yesterday!!!!I'm on form*jumps in air*
I played soccer with seanssy and trashed some 17 year old guys*winks*
Though it was a draw for the 1st game,we came back stronger than before in the second game to beat our rivals 10-4*Thumbs up* SEan u did well 2 scoring 4-5 goals*hurray*
After that soccer match we went to lakeview to snap real retard photies.
(It's just to irresistable*pouts*)
(How did we get into jail without any charges??? I guess it was caused by our retardedness#)
(Stop traffic police!!!)
(dun mess with us puzzy)
we are not allowed to enter!!!!BUT what can u do when we already did?
(I'm on top off......the sand???)
(Top.p.i.n.g tarzans weeeeha)
after all those photies, me and seanssy went to carefour with my dad weeeeeeeee*)
(CAr crashers)
(hey guys he bites)
donate call 1900-112-1898 (THe black hole!!)
( wanted to climb that ladder!!!!)
(COstumer service assistants)
(WOOOO why can't it be lion boat festival or iguana boat festival haiz!!!)
after that long shop in carefour we went to eat!!!!we ate korean food*winks*
THATs all for the day i gtg*hola*ps:"The black hole is for loser's to jump in and vanish ex..OSAMA bin laden"