Sunday, July 23, 2006
Hey guys today i woke up at 7:45*sooo early** and went to cityhall the meet the team to makan ate at peninsula plaza burger king hahas before embarking for our match!!
When the team reached the field we changed to our attire and then it was game on!!!*bring it on*
Chester scored the first goal in like about 10mins!!*smiles* It was a nice stop turn shoot to goal what a wonder!!!Then on the 25 min i was tackled badly and started limping on my left leg the guy even got the gutts to say that i acted but who cares i'm a man of integrity and yes he got a yellow straight in his nose!!!*hahas serve him right*
Second half started with Bro Darren introduce into the squad and we were on the counter attack and again we scored through chester!!*power* A one pass shot by the help of pastor gary who was introduce minutes before the goal.... "he's a born to be striker" said pastor gary!!!
But soon our pace was lost and we conceded two goals and with much prayer we striked back and scored through PAstor gary weeehaha!!!
Final score 3-2*smiles*
After that some idiot from the opponent side stole my soccer ball but with Timo's help i got it back...Thanks TIMO!!
And we were told there is a Igntye Soccer bbq next week weeeha!!! Guys only hahas sorry gals!!
And took some team photos and went to meet parents!!!
HAHAS bought new boots at suntec total 90 three weeha!!!My old f50 crocie mouth hahas!!

Ignyte soccer team!!!
Top:(from left) Indran,Mark yong,Pastor gary,Bro darren,Bro bryan,Felix,Chester,Gabriel,Bro kai fei
Bottom:(from left)Joshua,Ivan,CLement,ME,Nicholas,Charles
I gotta go now peeps cya *HOLA*
Friday, July 21, 2006
Hey peeps it's so amazing!!!*hands up*
I Layered my hair wohoooooo and i only paid one bugs and eighty insects SO lo bang hahas!!!*smiles*
Cut cut cut cut..... into british council muahaha!!!
OHHH it was real devastating!!!
Firstly when i left for bc the road was crowded with Carssy, lorriessy,bussessy,taxixy,motor cyclele and SAMPANS* hahas*
The road jam was caused by an accident along the causeway the car overturned like those in HOTWHEELS!!!
It looked like a dolphin!!!*PINK dolphin*....
MY mei ren yu*mermaid* didn't come to bc today hais cause she must do some ushering for her schools speech day... without her, class wasn't sooo fun!!!
In class we had to write some report bout some trip to planet utakala!!
It then became crazy!!!
I said i saw some creatures called boong gong who stayed in sewage pipes and they row a sampan for transportation and lots more that was crazy!!!
After lesson i called mei ren yu to tell her the home work.... her voice sounded so tired! wish i was there to bring up her hype hais mei ren yu, miss u lots!!
After some car was like blocking the bus stop and damm it so inconsiderate this was what happened!!!
GIRL:(knocks on car windscreen asking driver to move!!!)Knock knock!!
MUA:A move U hantu teh teh!!
CAR:SCREECHING!!!(moves forward)
MUa:Wah u go row sampan larhx i thing you drive slower than a SAMPAN!!
PEEPS at bus stop: Laughing!!!
GIRL 2: (girl 2 says to girl) opps thats my dad
MuA: Hey your dad works as a fisherman or what?
GIrl: what omg thats your dad sorry sorry!!
MUa: YOu know whats the meaning of whatever
ALL: WALK of + bus and car drove off
After that worse came, i missed three buses!!!
this was what happened
MUA:Talking on the phone with mermaid!!
172: (arrived)Vroom vroom
MUa:(Flag)swoosh swoosh
172: Drove off
Mua: Arhx just heck that!!!
15 mins later
Mua: Talking on the phone with Elvis pressingly!!!
172:(arrived)Vroom vroom
Mua:(jumps up and flag bus) pooing swosh swosh
172: drove off
Mua:Wahhh Fcuk his bus tyre I shoot him with my fart!!
another 15 mins later
MUa: Talking on the phone with ELvis
172:(arrived)Vroom vroom
MUa: stand on the rode flags bus
172:drove off
Mua:f%$$ your mother from the jungle u bloddy tarzan no pants!!
Mua:(called sbs* )Ring ring
SBs:Hello please leave a message after the tone beeps
MUa: I know this is SBs the suck up balls service 174 just sucks*
ELvis:Relax deh!!
Mua:I'll break his moms sanitary pad i tell you!!
Mua:next one better be good
ELvis: stand in the middle of the road confirm can get it
Another 15 mins gone
171:(arrived) Vroom vroom
Mua:(jumps in the middle of the rode stops the bus)pooing screech
Bus driver:why stand in the middle of the road
Mua: do you know i just missed 3 buses!
Bus driver:really
Auntie:Yarhx lor so like that one lor i will complain to sbs lor but u very good driver lor!
Bus driver:Thanks auntie!
Mua:wah like that call courteous arhx your college ask them go dig their sbs grave larhx
Bus driver:THey all retarded niah
Mua:Tell them they suck cock humtai
Bus driver: No prop hahas they sruck croc hansai
Mua:uncle u can teach me english sial power sruck croc hansai
ALL the peeps:laugh
I was so relieved lor after that and now i'm becoming auntie lor wheew!!!
165 was fast though!!
woah i reach home and went to bathe and here i am writing this blog!!!
I gotta go know yup btw ting ting this is for you hahas!!*hola*
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Today i shall rename it photies day*yeahh* all the best few photos are coming up so dun miss it peeps!
Btw what i beleive in is that guys are from the moon while females are from the sun no wonder gurls this days are so hotz!!!!
*I'm sorch*
HEre are your best 17 pics!!
NO 1.....

(Say NO to ice creams? NO toppings?)
No 2....

(Me n mua body guard!!)
No 3....

(THe toppers!!!)
no 4

(oyster party!!!Over 1000 oysters)

(THe oyster shines)
No 6

(cowboieee weeehaaaa*)
no 7

(Night life rox!!)
NO 8

(Lan freak#@@)
No 9

(shoot em*)
No 10

(designing a passion!!!)
No 11

(love that name sooo proud of it!!!)
NO 12

NO 13

(mickey Rat)
No 14

( guevara)
No 15

(Black poo with teh tarik!@@#)
NO 16

( The Hazardous DIlemma)
Yeah this are all the best 17 pics of this entire season vote for the best!!!
For the show GAyle of singapore idol is out muahaha!!!!
I personally think life just rocks!!!
Gotta ciao cya *hola*
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hey peeps Without checking a street directory and ramming through the door to the POA class i was prepared for the blood trotting test papers!
In came the test papers it was rather easy though!!! Trading a/c blah blah blah BANGALA weeha shoot it TUANG i'm ready!!!*winks*
THe test was over in a snap of my toe.... After we played some eye game and DOm stop that bloddy wolf crying i'll slap your mother wolf "arooooooooo" all DOm's fault he kept telling the class the wrong BOx i'll GOtta burn his SAMpan damm!!!*pulls DOm's leg hair*
After we watch some MOTher teresa thingy SO saddening man until MR TUang said that one day his pic will be in that powerpoint ohhh please MOther TUang!!!
After school played b ball trash some lamers losers and the whatevers it was more like tumble tots to them!!!*tounges out*
HOme sweet home brought joy to my face as i approach that magnificent house!! Beaming with
joy i entered the household greeted buy my sonny baxter!!
After some rest played SOccer won Shawn 5-3*smiles* and played some short match with kinnon and merely loss by a small margin due to tiredness *Buto* !! Fcuk that Kinnon hah i'll strangle him with mua boxers!!!
I Then went to buy my beloved ice creamy and 100-plus saw that damm drag mamasan lady at the counter eeww damm man all the makeup on her wrinkled langa face make her look like hantu teh teh Scary man i ran all the Way home.....*frightened*
I ate like Super pork man "org org" ok you know the meaning of whatever kids hahas!!!
I gotta go People cya*HOLA*
Lets go kick some DOm ass!!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Hey there guys and girls and ALIENS....... muahaha aliens has been a phenomenal hit since many many centuries back when peeps believe that aliens invaded earth and took osama away!!
That was the time for captain poo poo to work it out , aliens or osama whatever!!!!
To me there are living things living in space and they are bacteria and organism that is so orgie oh la la!!!
My class in Bc was alienly(British council) WEre doing some project bout aliens.... me n dan wrote some crazy story/report.. hear this out yo!!!
DEar officer, when i was showering at 3am in the morning i saw a ufo outside my window there were 2 of them, they were pink in colour flying upside down for 7 hours making quaking and woofing sounds "quack quack woof woof". The sky was very dark n cloudy, it was raining crocs and iguana there were stormy skies that blurred my eyes cannot see larhx deh!!! My name is jiva kumar AND I STAY IN GEYLANG STREET 1000 the polka dot district!!!
mY TEACHER READ IT IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE class damm it hahas!!!
ok whatever to do with aliens hahas!!!
Today played soccer wohoooo i drove the bloddy tractor around the school field sooo fun muahaha it goes "crank crank crank crank" hahas!!!
This is cool my mei mei SHu yi send it to mua!!
> [ ] you have gotten F9 grades for math many times
> [ ] you always do last min hmks in class>
[x ] you use ur handphone to text urfriends in class
> [x] you phone got confiscated before
> [x] you listen to ur mp3, cd player inclass
> [x] you sleep in class
> [ ]xP you curse teachers
> [ ] you are always late for extra classes
> [ ] you doodle on tables
> [] you make out in class
> [x] you are rebbellious with someteachers
> [ ] you always hand up work late
> [ ] you make fun of the nerds and geeks.
> [x] you have broken school rules
> [ ] you always dun have the correctbooks
> [ ] you dun take notes
> [x] reccess is your favourite part ofschool
> [x] you hang out after school
> [ ] you lie to ur teachers about hmks
> [ ] you tell ur parents that u dont havehmks, when> u actually do
> [x ] u have made someone cry in school
> [x] you copied hmks before
> [ ] you threw away hmks before and lie that u> didnt recieve it first of all
> [x] you laugh at the way some teacherswalk
> [ ] you have been late couple of times>
> put a cross on the side. when applicable> once done, count the crosses> and then multiply by 4. and post it as> I AM ___ % bad in school.
I'm 44% bad hahas see i soooooo good yeah!!! pouts!!!
How good am i go ask the teachers go row their smapan in their bathtub hey!!!
here another one i love doing this!!
am 42% boyish and 50% girlish
GUY-ISH:[ x] you own a jersey
[ ] you like being sweaty
[ ] you love mud
[x] you've played at least one sport on a team
[x] you've played more than 1 sport for fun
[ ] you hate pink
[x] you love hoodies and jeans
[x]pranks are fun
[x]dogs are better than cats
[ ]its funny when people get hurt
Total = 6
[ ] shopping is torture
[x]pulling heads off dolls isnt creepy..its fun
[x]u dont cry
[ ] sad movies suck[ ] girl drama is stupid
[ ] painting your nails is weird/stupid
[x] you own a ps2
[ ] you own an xbox
[ ] you own a gamecube
[ ] at some point in time you wanted to be afirefighter
[ ] you own a psp
Total = 3
[x] you used to be obsessed with power rangers
[ ] you watch sports center
[x] you watch sports on tv sometimes
[ ] gorey movies are the best!
[ ] you arent scared of anything
[x] you take part in "male bonding"
[ ] you only go to your dad for advice
[ ] you own like a trillion baseball caps
[ ] you aren't sensitive
[x] no pain no gain
Total = 4
[x]you like going to football games
[x] night games rock
[ ] spiders and bugs are cool (EWW!)
[x] you like to freak out your sister or brother
[ ] you used to or do collect baseball cards
[ ] saggy pants are cool
[x] you get sports illustrated/other sports/ guymagazine
[ ] fire is cool
[ ] you don't babysit
[ ] you're immature
Total = 4
[ ]its kinda weird to have sleepovers with abunchof people
[x]green black red or blue or silver are yourfavorite color(s)
[x] romantic comedies are boring
[ ] you hate dressing up
[ ] you dont care about your hair
[x] you love to go crazy and not care whatpeoplethink
[ ] climbing is fun
[x] contact sports like football are fun
Total = 4
Now add the numbers up x2 and re-post withyourscore as:"I'm __ % guyish"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[ ] you wear lip gloss.(sometimes)
[x] you shop
[ ]you wear eyeliner
[x] you buy different colored shirts
[ ] you wear halters and tube tops (sometimes)
total: 2
[x] you dont like shopping at hot topic
[x] you wear the color pink
[ }you consider cheerleading a sport
[ ] you hate wearing the color black
[x] you love hanging at the mall (only if i gotthe mood xD)
total: 3
[ ] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures
[ ] you like wearing jewelery
[ ] skirts are a part of your wardrobe
[x] you take a long time doing your hair
[x] shopping is one of your favorite hobbies(provided money)
total: 2
[x]you hate the movie star wars
[ ] you cry in movies
[ ] you are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics, ordance
[x] it takes you more than 1/2 hour to get dressed and put on other accesories
[x] you smile a lot more than u should
total: 3
Add them up, multiply them by 5, and post as "iam _% GIRL-ISH
Damm i'm 42% boyish and 50% girlish omg thats sounds wrong!!
I'm feeling so gay!!!
Ok ok i'm done with this blog whatever i wanna get those polka dotty undies!!! aRHx!!!!
I'm MADDenning tmr have POa test!!!
Fcuk mother tuang!!
Whatever ok ok cya guys ciao ciao bb*hola*
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
I would call this season the Whirl cup madness!!!!
What a kick it has been for couch potatoes during the month-long courtship wit the world best kickers and actors....
It wasn't a head butt guys, Zizou's bald head was sweaty due to his waterfall pesperaration when he plays. He was just rubbing his dripping wet head into that italian player Materazi 's chest to keep it dry!!! ok ok what the heck it was a head butt!!*dangs*
Zizou act of retardedness on the last game of his carrer was astonishing in the way it ended he didn't float away like a butterfly but went out like a rhino!!!
I have learnt 3### things in this world cup*smiles*
Hear this out!
1. I learnt that players evrywhere are good at diving so good i wish they could jump off a plane without a parachute!!!*weeeeeeeeee*
2. I learnt that calling ronaldo-Ah Pui- is seemingly rude. I should've called him Twa Ah pui(Hokkien for big fatty) instead he is the big man who broke the Wc's highest scorer record!!!!
3.I learnt that pretty 24 pass goal like Argentina doesn't count for nothing if you can't score a penalty against Germany!!!
Now the wc hat is on Italy so Whatever lor hahas*close one eye*

(More sambal pls: with irresistable hunger and passion, Brazil's TWA AH PUI broke the world cup's top scorer record 15 goals.)
MAY send this to me so i'll give it a try yo!!!
how much have i changed!
3 YEARS AGO:How old were you?:thirteen. =)
What grade year were you in?:secondary one.
Where did you go to school?:ST gabs secondary.
Where did you work?:In the bathtub nah i didn;t work. =)
Where did you live?:Upp thomson
.How was your hair style?:Durian spikes
.Did you have braces?:nopes
.Did you wear glasses?:yeah..
Who was your best friend?:none.
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend:i can't remeber.
Who was your celebrity crush?:none.
How many tattoos did you have?:zero.
How many piercings did you have?:None
.What car did you drive?:Toyota the one in daytona hahas
.What was your favorite band/group?:none.
What was your worst fear?SEEing this stupid thing 3 years later
.Had you smoked a cigarette yet?:i can't remember.
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?:i doubt so.
Had you driven yet?Yesh Daytona itdiot
Had you been to a real party yet?:Yea
Had your heart broken?definately no.
**NOW.....How old are you?sixteen
.Where do you go to school?:St gabs secondary.
Where do you live?:taman permata
.Where do you hang out?:Everywhere
. =)How is your hair style?:nice. lols. =)
Do you have braces?:nopes.
Do you wear glasses?:yeahs..
Who is your best friend?:Shawny
Still talk to any of your old friends?:sure i do. it's not that long ago.
Who is your celebrity crush?Jessica alba
.Who is your regular-person crush?:i don't have crushes. ever.
How many piercings do you have?:one
.How many tattoos?:none.
What kind of car do you drive?:i still can't drive!!!!
What is your favorite singer/group?:none.
have you smoked a cigarette?yeah, sure.
Have you gotten drunk or high?i get high on life so often. but i haven't got drunk.yet. i'm still able to hold my alcohol. =)
Yeahs that all for the day peep si gotta go sooooooooon ok cya bb ciao *holas*
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Hey peeps i'm so constipated hahas tmr got soccer match weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!wooooooooo!!!mangali in the zoo!!!!
I'm hype damm it!!!*laughs*
Hey guys Germany goanna win tonight Yeah Portugal sux sux sux !!!!!!
90% Germany-!0% portugal wohoooooooo christaino Ronaldo roll roll!!!
I saw this May sent it to mua!!!
01. What time is it now?!12:30 in the morn. =( weather's really Cold Ice age
.02. What are you doing?sItting in front of the computer.
03. Thinking of Anyone?hmmms.
04. Are you Happy/Blur/Sad?Happies.
05. Why?there's no reason.
06. What is the last thing you ate?Macs
.07. Last thing that you've heard that made you cry?Brazil is out
.10. Whats the last movie that made you cry?None
.12. Who do you wish to be by your side?God
.13. Regretted anything in this month?nopes. no reasons to regret things that have beendone
.14. Did you fall in love/out of love in this month?no way. falling in or outta love is so ten years ago.
15. Who was the last person you talked to?Kinnon
.16. Who was the last person you hugged?i can't remember. ?
17. Who was the last person you sms?Dad
18. What did you dream of today?didn't dream of anything today.
19. Who can make you laugh?Myself
.20. Who always takes care of you?myself. i'm always there for me
.21. Anyone you know is in pain?yeah, i guess so. many people are in pain.
24. What happen?many things?
25. What do you wanna do before you die?as in, if i've only got like 1 min more? uhmms. kisssomeone and die?
26. What song is stuck in your head?Top.p.i.n.g that i made up with the gang
.27. What song are you listening now?none.
28. Worried about anyone?nopes.
29. What age do you wanna get married?20+
.30. How many children do you want?Erm 20 hahas maybe 2 i guess. .
.31.Where do you wanna go for Honeymoon?Bangaladesh muahaha no larhx paris!!
32. Any plans in this 2 month?yeah sure
33. Describe a perfect wedding?OOOh a perfect wife!!!!is good enough
34. Describe a perfect Date?Erm i would like to date jessica alba=)
35. Where would you like to go for Holiday? northpole and yeah... Bangaladesh!
36. Do you play instrument? drums
you have a band?Yeahs 2 of them
do you want to listen to?anything's fine. just no techno and no chinesesongs. =S
40. Wish you could die?i wish i could live a million years
42. Do you know anyone that acts like a kid?yeah sure. loads of 'em.
44. Do you know anyone that is rude?yeah sure..
45. What's the sweetest thing anyone ever done?for me? or for someone else? hmmms
.47. Any sweet unforgetful memories with your Ex?yeahs. loads. but i'm SO over it.
48. Honestly.. Which Ex did you love the most?talk about love, there's only one. the only one i've
ever loved. so of course, it'll be the most. and everyone who knows me would know. =)49. Who do you want to be hugged by?JESSica alba
50. Single or Taken?Single but available SBA
Muhahaha thats was cool igtg no ciao *hola*
Friday, July 07, 2006
Hey guys i'm bbbback ok ok today school finish soooooo quick at around 12 plus weeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
ok ok i'm going crazy here some spice!
AQUARIUS>Trustworthy.>Sexy.>One of a kind.>Loves being in long-term relationships.>Extremely energetic.>unpredictable.>from the future.>will exceed your expectations.>Amazing in bed, THE BEST LOVERS.
VIRGO>Dominant in relationships.>Sexy.>Always horny(LIKE RIGHT NOW)>Freak in bed.>Always wants the last word.>Caring.>Smart.>Addictive.>Attractive.>Loud.>Loyal.>Great dancer>Awesome kisser>Sexy as hell>Not the one to ........
withCANCER>Great Kisser.>Very high#65007; sex #65007;appeal.>Great in bed ...>Totally laid back>Freak in bed>Most horny.>Love is one of a kind.>Very romantic.>Most caring person you will ever meet!>Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lightsout..
CAPRICORN>Nice>Sassy.>Intelligent.>Sexy.>Predict future.>Irrestible, awesome kisser.>Loves being in long relationships>Great talker.>Always gets what he or she wants.>Stubborn>Thinks he/she is always right even whenhe/sheisWRONG>Impatient
SCORPIO>Nice>EXTREMELY sexy.>Intelligent>Energetic.>Predict future.>Most .............>Freak in bed.>GREAT kisser.>Always get what they want.>Sexy.>Attractive.>Loud.>Loves being in long relationships.>Talkative.
TAURUS>Aggressive.>Freak in bed.>Rare to find!>Loves being in long relationships.=)>Likes to give a good fight for what theywant.>Extremely outgoing.>Sexy as ........>Very popular>Outstanding kisser.>Very funny>Awesome personality>Sexual as .........>Most caring person you will ever meet!>One of a kind.>Not one to ........
with.LEO>Great talker.>Sexy.>Always Horny.>Laid back.>Knows how to have fun.>Is really good at ...............>Great kisser.>Center of attention.>Outgoing.>Down to earth.>Addictive.>Attractive.>Loud.>Loves being in long relationships.>Talkative.>Not one to mess with.>Rare to find.>Good when found.
ARIES>Outgoing.>Spontanious.>Not one to ........ with cause theywill up.>.............>Funny.>Take you on trips to the moon in bed.> Excellent kisser>EXTREMELY sexy.>Loves being in long relationships.=)>Addictive.>Loud.>is totaly hot.>Loves to PARTY.>Always down to hook up.>Smart.>Very popular.>Very talkative.>Attractive.
PISCES>Caring.>Smart.>great sex appeal.>Too Sexy, DAMN IT.>Very high sex bed>Loves being in long relationships>There for you in the ups and downs.>The best to find, hardest to keep.>Fun to be around.>Freak in the sheets>Extremely weird but in a good way.>Super good in bed.>Good Sense of Humor!!!>the sexxiest people>always happy>intellect
LIBRA>Very gentle.>Very romantic>Nice...when needs to be>Love is one of a kind.>Silly,fun, sweet and funny!>Have own unique sexiness.>Most caring person you will ever meet!>Amazing in Bed..!!!>Very sensitive>By FAR the finest>out-spoken somethimes>love being in long relationships>very honest>revengeful..!>giving>has to be forced to fight but when theyfightthey dont lose>Naughty
SAGITTARIUS>Spontaneous.>Horny.>Freak in Bed.>High sex appeal.>Rare to find.>Great when found.>Loves being in long relationships.>Not one to mess withGEMINI>Nice...unless crossed!>Love is one of a kind.>Great listener>Very Good in bed.>Lover not a fighter, but will still punch yourlights out!>Trustworthy.>Loud.>Extremely Sexy>Talkative.>Outgoing>Hard to Catch>Exceptionally Intuitive>Loves to make others laugh>Stellar in the sheets
this is soooooooo true ok ok whatever whenever the bangalah cellar!!!!!!!
I gotta ciao not see ya *hola*
France will win all the way!!!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Hey guys fRance won oh weeeeeeeee wahhhhhhh i earned lotsa money yo dun tell you how much i won*sticks out tounge* blah blah!!!
I heard there's a new teacher in mua school she got hot bods and she drives a motorbike she's just like jessica ALba muahaha Sexy!!!! ok whatever!!!She has a tattoo ayah i think you guys knows who is her muahaha!!!
Okok France is going to win this world cup i suppose!!!But Italy got a good poo poo keeper buffalo fon ok ok Buffon!!!*winks*
I gotta run beri soon hahas gots i'm only entitled 10 mins on the com today dang dang!!!
Here's some thing joshy send mua i'm goanna take this test ok ok!!!
1.Best place to cry?. Toliet, bed.
2. Missing someone right now?. not quite.
3. The person/people you love? the most?. my God, my Frens
.4.Tell us your dream last night..'s a loong and alien story.!
5. Ever hate someone so bad?. Ofcourse
?6. The biggest lie you heard?. mm..biggest as in, easily can tell?
7. Ever lied to someone you love the most?. yeahh..
8. What's the worst thing you've ever done?. BET?
=)9. Wanna be someone else than ur self?. NOOOOOOOO i love myself
.10. Ever slap someone?. nope
.11. Last time u cried?. don't. get. me. started.
12. Biggest crush?. Jes*** Al**.
13. Last shopping centre you went to ?. SERENE
.14. Last memorable song you heard?. Innovation!
15. Last person that hates you?. wan hates me
16. Reasons why you hate someone?. ohh, well. hate's a strong word..
17. Biggest lie you said?.i can't lie.
18. What u wanna say to someone that u love?. er. like.."i love you.!" and hope for the best! lol!21. where you at?. in my famliy room.
22. have you EVER failed a subject at school?. YEas i'm not alien
. what's on your mind?. To finish this on time
.24. Honestly, who are you chatting online withnow?. No wan
25. what is it that you REALLY should be doingright now?. Showering???
.26.have you brushed your teeth today?. Yups
27. who are your best friend in the world?. SHAwn tan, CELESTE, Seanssy, Eugene, Timo, .
28. Honestly, who is the hottest person youknow ?. er. hottest? none of them had any fevers recently.!
29. Honestly, are you a good friend?. ask my good friends.
30. Honestly, do you really think going to school isimportant?. yeahh.Education Education
31. Honestly, what are your dreams about, mostly?. .
32. Honestly, who/what makes you happy most ofthe time?. Shawn Tan, CHeryl, Mel,
33. Honestly, what are you so sad about rightnow?. Nothing
34. Honestly, wat can u say about miracles?. it's my life. =)
35. Honestly, what song are you listening to rightnow?. I have no mp4 stuck to my ears!!
36. Honestly, who do you want to meet at this very moment?. )Osama yarh no wan larhx no wan
37. Honestly, who do you like to be kissed by?. er.Jes**** Al#%
38.Honestly, do you have a deadly disease ?. nope. unless you count boredom one of them.
40.Name all ur love ones?. er. I'll try.Jesus,The top.p.i.n.g gang and lot lot more!!!
Hey poo poo i gotta go k see ya *Hola*
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Hey guys the world cup is a flop a blunder a what can i say a total flop RAWRRRR i'm angry Brazil,Argentina,England and Germany suck it up with their lusae match skills running around like an idiot chasing a stupid balls arhxxxxxx!!!!!!!! devastating!!!
Damm i just finish all my work*smiles*and i'm free for ans hour now b4 i embark to sleepy oohhh i'm a pig!*bigger smile*
Yesh i got band gigs already coming up soon i'm so happy but i call my fwens they never ans their fone i'll bite off their nose!
I'm watching singapork Idol TWOhill is so HAIRY!!!!
PAUL TWOHILL:"to all those pretty people out there thanks for voting for me i open the fridge see my fringe then it gets stuck!cause i'm hairy!!"
His hair is long but he can sing so i'll put him off for a moment!
Tonight is crucial FRANCE and PORTUGAL hais!
Tonight tonight i'm going to sleep my beauty sleep!
HAHAS i love to enjoy my life weeeeeeeeee yeah wohooooooooo
I saw this somewhere and decided to do this!
20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people.
1. SHawn tan
2. Cheryl
3. JIE
4. SEan
5. Chetwin
6. Naim
8. Vivian
9. Lenice
10. Celeste
11. JUJU
12. Eugene teo
13. YUdeesh
14. Joelle yong
15. Kevin
16. melissa
17. Ate joyce
18. TImothy
20. PK
How did i meet #1 ?church
What would you do if you never met #1 ?never had the bestest friend on earth
What would you do if #20 and #9 dated?20 is already with 3 HAH. but it will never happen
Did you ever like #19 ?YESH
Would #6 and #17 make a good couple?OMG definitely NOTTT! haha
Describe #Siao siao wan
Do you think #8 is attractive?errr on a scale from 1 to 10 il give her 8.
Tell me something about #7 ?HAHAHA HES cute n small
Do you know any of #12s family?his sis? HAHA
What are #8s favourites?Dunno sial
what would you do if #18 confess that she/he likes you?BUT I DONT LIKE HIM!
the language does #15 speak?alien. HES AN ALIEN.
Who is #9 going out with?not wanna know
(:who is #2s favourite band/singer?Fort minor,blink 182 blah blahWHATEVER song HAAH
will you ever date #13?no! HAIs
#15 single? ahah! single
What is #10s last name?alibaba? HAAHAAH i dunno!. .HAHA
Would you ever be in a serious relationship with #19 ?we were
school does #3 go to?Ngee an poly
Where does #6 live?TPy! .
what is your favourite thing about #5 ?HYPER! haha. and HOT. haah!
Have you seen #20?duhx hahas
I hope this test is good to brighten up your sleepy eyes i gotta go yo cya *hola*
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Hey guys i'm back writing a memorable speech you will never forget the 8 things commentators won't say during a world cup match
1)"This game was sponsored by Kotex"

2)"In the no 23 jersey...mmm,he's got nice leg

3)"i just lost 5 cents to my bookie!"

4)"fwar,i wish he'd take off his shirt and hug me like he does to his team mates."

5)"Balik kampung!"

6)No, those aren't his supporters in the stands. those are his illegitimate children."

7)"It's not about winning or losing it's about making new friends and having fun!"

8)"And coming on the pitch is the team from singapore........"

tonight i guess are the two most gruelling matches Germany-Italy.France-Portugal!
Today i ran like a erms 4km i almost died clocking a time of 20mins 56 sec hahas i'm fast!*smiles*
After running i went to rest and after play 5 mins of basketball NOel was damm rough that he push me to the ground in some ocassions damm*sigh*
I saw this in Nuts blog and decided to give it a try!
3 names i go by:=>banana pants,lu lu, jus
3 parts of my heritage:=>chinese, chinese. Bangaladesh(shutup)
3 of my everyday essentials:=>money. clothes.THAT PERSON.
3 things that i am wearing now:=>white malaysian shirt. shorts. ( underwear, *WINKS*)
3 of my fave musical artists now:=>jason mraz,fort minor.good charlotte
relationship other than love:=>trust.ATTENTION.ATTENTION
3 truths and 2 lies:=>truths: I'm a guy, i can dance. I CANT GO ON TELLING ANY MORE TRUTHS2 lies: i have super powers. im a poo poo
..3 physical things about the opposite sex that attracts you?=> legs. hairlessness.eyes ACTUALLY EVERYTHING.
3 of your fave hobbies:=>I LOVE drumming,digging my nose .playing soccer
3 things that you want badly now:=>one million dollars. a vest. a skinny tie. anybody want to donate?>?. *pouts*
3 places you wanna go on vacation:=>paris.Brazil.Germany
3 things you want to try doing:=> ERRR poledancing?Bar top dancing and more dancing
3 people i would like to see taking this test:=>Shawny,celeste,shu yi
3 things i look for in a potential boyfriend:=>errrrr....??? I ONLY DATE CARTOON CHARACTERS
3 things i may want to be in the future:=>fashion designer??. i hope. a professional drummer
.t-shirt designer
Hey guys i gotta go now cya guys *hola*
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Brazil lost *sigh* 1-0 hais i was merely banging my head on the wall then!
TOday was SYF weeeeeeee not singapore youth festival buttttt shout your fame weeeeee!!!!
I''m all smiles i was in the backstage crew hahas!!!
Daphne Kho and Jerry Ong were guest judges!Daphne's eyes is sooooooo tiny ayooo!!!*sigh*
I voted for Dania and Ben, Dania got second runner up while ben none!!
Today was real tiring hahas i'm going to gong off soon to my cosy bed!*smiles*
I wanna eat ice cream *drolls*
here are some pics folks!!
(words from ronaldo:Maybe i should eat up the ball so no ball to play!!)

(down and devastated!!!)


( France 1-0 Brazil)

(here are the semi- finalist for the world cup!!!)




I will solely say that the germans will win this world cup with the french in second place, Italy in third and Portugal in fourth*smiles* at least germany are still going weeeeeeeeeeha!!!
I gotta go now guys cya ciao n *hola*
Saturday, July 01, 2006
As i have known the germans won yesterday though the argentians dominated most of the game a gruelling 90 minutes of non stop action that ended in a draw in which a penalty shootout was in the loof.....
ofcourse the germans won that with jens lehmann saving two of four shots what saves*smiles*
with the commentator screaming "the germans have won 4-2 on this penalty shootout that is pure boy wonder by lehmann"!! *thumbs up*
I woke up in the morning a little sick though a little running nose and was called by ivan lim saying today have soccer training but i turned him down cause wasn't feeling well!
I thought there was no church today till i ask celeste ayo then i had to rush all the way down to church in the nick off time!!!
Today was cool though pretty fine with little ups and down*pulls hair* hahas!
Here are some updates of the matches!!!
( A word for lehmann:" i dive right ball goes right i dive left ball go left i'm the best larhx!!!")

(That is klose the goal scorer he went klose to the goal post and fired it in!!!)

(words from the german coach:"i can play soccer and basketball too")

i think this is enough for more updates on the world cup go to yeaps!
Thats all for now guys i'll keep you updated about the scorlines yeah i gotta watch england versus portugal gotta go *hola*