Friday, September 15, 2006
First, i would like to state something. I think the word "study" should be changed. It should be changed to demoralising Time!! HAHA hows everyone????!!!! HAhas exams are OVER for me!!!! WEEHA wooohoo!!!!*smiles*
Guys taking your O' Level, will keep u in my prayers yeahs strive for the best those who sow in tears will reap in shouts of joy!!
yesterday was shioky!!
Went to church and after went JAMMING!!
Haven't been jamming with my newly form members of passion foothold due to stupid exams!!!!
But now is all over!!!!!
1st guitar: Shawn(MR Genius)
2nd guitar: Celeste(Cellie)
Drums : Justin(JUS/POwer boI)
bass : Charmaine( our new member)
Keyboardist: Yew jin( Our new member)
singer: Kinnon
compose by: Justin lu
Verse 1: Walking the road of Fear
walking the road of my life
it is my sacrifice to take it all
in my hand tonight
Verse 2: This is the dirty side
This is the dirty side of me
never finding what is right
never knowing what to do here tonight( verse 1 + 2 (x2))
Chorus: Jesus you are god
Jesus your the only son
Jesus i'm your son
When i worship
i am never done(x3 followed by guitar solo then x3 again before it ends)
This song will feature in our debut album coming up in a few months time!
NEWs: Watch passion foothold perform life
Date to be comfirmed!!!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Ignyte 1 Main team 1
We drew guys hahas weehaha*smiles*
Friday, September 08, 2006

Ignyte vs chi Alpha
Place:Braddel westlake secondary soccer field
(come down and support the team for enquiries please contact justin through Email or phone)
Tag my blog for more info 2!!

LETS HAVE A MOMENT OF SILENCE.*please we need your prayers*
out heartfelt condolences
Flamboyant,egocentric,egnimatic. These qualities best describe the crocodile hunter, Steve Irwin.His ingenious passion,layered with virtousity and technical brilliance,was rovavled only by his unforgattable personality.
Throughout his long career,Steve tirelessy explored the works of wildlife and it theories.He created many documentries.
On Monday Sep 4th 2006 steve was killed by a stingray during a diving expedition.. He was 44.Irwin was filming an underwater documentary on the Great Barrier Reef in northeastern Queensland state when the accident occurred, Sydney's The Daily Telegraph newspaper reported on its Web site.The Australian Broadcasting Corp. said Irwin was diving near Low Isles Reef near the resort town of Port Douglas, about 1,260 miles north of the state capital of Brisbane.
I just love his documentries, what a SAd case!!
Remember guys cherish the one you love now before it is to late.
Tell that someone you love him/her as you wouldn't want to live in a life of regret!
Love U peeps!! *smiles*
GTG now ciao *Hola*
Sunday, September 03, 2006
A life of Bonafide venture consisting of betrayal and unfuse wisdom..The urge of excavation is emerging,I just wanna get hell away from this.......
Away and away it seems syonara to the bad days.....*waves*
Never was i FANATICAL over NIKE,
neither did i know that this contributed to the breaking of that venture...*flashbacks*
With the endulging words of my dad, i was in a mind flow of a total blackout.
"son you can grab something if you want to, it's on me" *woah*
spotting the 30% off sign on the NIKE rack while shoppin in ROBINSON was a dream....neither did i know it was truly there.....
Rushing over, astonished by this magnificent shirt which was $36.75 before discount....
It sparkled with glamour with a touch a classic.....
on top of that i bought a NIKE AIR cap.....I"m lovin it(oh whatever get lost macdonald)....*smiles*
DAD YOU ARE THE BEST...nothing can desrtuct the incredulous shock!!!
This is the day......*LOOK ON*
Arrving at IKEA to be gretted by FLARING CARs awaiting to get into that DIY MALL,how horrid.
MY dad and i then averted the queue and headed to GREAT WORLD CITY,we ate lemon+mango serbet....great combination*bewildered*.
PICKEd mumma up and went to RAFFLES CITY.
We ate SOUP SPOON and was lips bitten by the tastifull clam chowder and lobster beef SOUP!!!!!*magnificent*
THERE the shock was awaiting....
DADIKINS and I went to RObinson's.
Dadikins bought a 100 over dollars jacket/vest, a jeans and shirt and was poundered with a free belt and pouch.........and here it was,"Son you can grab something if you want to, it's on me"
THat totally rocks.....
this is the best day of the week i guess*wheew*....
I gtg now cya*hola*
Enjoy the pics....

THats my hat!!!

JUst do it peeps!!!Be happie..,.,..

This is poisonous...

bahaha my new style thanks dad...
here are some pics that i c

PAUL 2 hill's bro on the right?

LU united...
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Haha since it's holiday i woke up like around 1pm and was blinded by the sorching heat of the sun that was shining on my bum!!! Awaken, i grabbed the papers and headed to the toliet......
Shower was done feeling fresh for the new day as i went to style mua hair..........
That styling cause me precious time and finish that in like an hour.
I'm vain so shut up cock heads!!!*winks*
Anyway i reached church pretty late but thankfully shawny booked a seat for me....he he thanks shawn..*smiles*
service was well of though, pastor Janice preached.Hahas we were much happy as she had no powerpoint slides power point slide=no taking down of notes=no wastage of energy.
Though powerpoint slides helps us to remember the pointers she had made ,who cares cause we listen and store it in our minds!!!!*we r genuise*
In fuel played some game with the group and won 2nd place!!!
Got that wang wang biskitt as a prize!!!
Miserable isn't it?*nod youR heads*
After fuel went to makan NYDC at holland v with mel,shawny,cellie,bronson,yewjin and charmaine
hahas had fun doing silly stuff and blahs!!!*lol*
Hahas after eating we were full piggos hahas and bron,yew and mel headed home while shawn sent cellie home and me going to serene centre to grab an ice cream after went home......
Life is so great yeahs!!!
hahas with great friends and all the hilarous things that we do..............
Today just rocks i guess!!!!
THANKS 4 THIS DAY............
I gtg now guys ciao*hola*
(pics comin up soon)
From jus to SHAWn+cellie: Rmb the pic u took together hahas so touching!!! pure touch of glamour...*smiles* *ROmeo and Juliet* way!!!
From jus to mel:Hahas love the photies we took yeahs that rocks *pouts*...
from jus to bronson: SOrry couldn't lend you much money cause was little broke dude!!-*$*--
From jus to yew jin:oh pls dun buy that obscene sausage again it was enormously BIG!!!*ops*
From jus to charmaine : hahas fun time yea!!*smiles*
Friday, September 01, 2006
arhx ok i know this day just sucks ....
shut the hell up
this day is a loser cannot arhx!!! *thumbs up*
today shawn and celeste came over to get going with some jamming and band gathering (:
DUh way this day is a bad ass!!!*monkey face*
Check this out
.kinnon couldn't book jam studio so we had to find another studio in which ending us in peninsula in which we couldn't find a replacement studio omg whatever this really sux!!!*slouching*This was not a good resolution i suppose!!!
If ur finding a band to be in just drop me a mail or call me for audition yeap!!
so what you waiting for join now mail now audition now!!!
we only want a bassist n singer!!
British council today was tiring!!!
NO mermaid damm!!!
peeps hp not working oooh what the crap!!!
Though it is a infavourable day,i am lighten up by all my other friends......
Shawn Tan , CEllie, Elvis,Hui jrye,Daniel,EVa,CLement and PRISSY!!!!
WEEhaaa you guys rocks!!!!